Quelle: https://www.lynxstudio.de/de/support_downloads.html
Release Notes
NControl for Aurora(n)
NControl for Aurora(n)
Software for Aurora(n)
Copyright © 2019-2024 Lynx Studio Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Revision History / Release Notes
Version - May 1, 2024
- Added Thunderbolt driver check to "Check for updates" function. If a newer version of the Thunderbolt driver is available, a popup will inform the user of the newer version and ask if the user wants to download it. If the user presses "Ignore", the popup will no longer occur until the user selects Menu > Advanced > Check for updates.
Version - March 27, 2024
- Added "Dante device exclusion list" dialog. This allows exclusion of specific Dante devices to NControl. NControl must be restarted for the new exclusion to take effect.
- Added "Identify" function to Menu.
- Added MCU Pro commands: Function key F7 is GROUP A Mute; Alt+F7 is GROUP A Dim.
- Modified MCU Pro sliders so any value -70.0dB or lower is muted.
- MCU Pro commands now take action on key down instead of key up. This allows better integration with the Elgato Stream Deck + with the Midi plugin which only sends key down commands.
- Dolby ATMOS scenes can now assign channel names from newer SonarWorks .TXT files.
- Dolby ATMOS Setup page can now load preset .BIN files from Sonarworks Version 5.10 and up.
- Copy and Paste (Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V) now implemented for output volume and routing. First select a specific output pair and press Ctrl+C (Cmd+C on Macintosh). This copies the output controls and all associated source channel controls to the clipboard. Next, select a different output pair and press Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on Macintosh). This pastes the volume and routing to the newly selected output pair. A specific use case for this is if powered monitors are on Out 1+2, the volume and routing of Out 1+2 can be copied to the Phones so the Phones will have exactly the same feed as the powered monitors.
- Added "Check for updates" to Menu > Advanced. If a newer version of NControl is available, a popup will inform the user of the newer version and ask if the user wants to download it. If the user presses "Ignore", the popup will no longer occur until the user selects Menu > Advanced > Check for updates.
Version - October 20, 2023
- Channel Bass Management settings are now preserved when loading a preset, since SonarWorks presets do not contain bass management settings.
- Added "ATMOS Scene" section with "ATMOS Enable" button to adapter panel. This is a duplicate of the ATMOS Enable switch within the Dolby ATMOS setup page. This serves as a reminder that the ATMOS Scene is enabled since normal NControl routing is overridden by the Dolby ATMOS setup page. Holding down the "ALT" key while pressing the ATMOS Enable button will immediately launch the Dolby ATMOS setup page (Ctrl+A [Windows] / Cmd+A [Mac] will also launch the Dolby ATMOS setup page).
Version - September 29, 2023
- Changed Load REW Preset dialog so that the "Open Files" button is disabled until the user has actually assigned a file to a speaker.
Version - September 9, 2023
- Fixed issue where Group selection and volume was not restored from USB connected Aurora(n).
- Fixed issue where Monitor Out or Phones would not save or restore properly from ATMOS Scenes when selected as the output.
Version - September 6, 2023
- Fixed issue introduced with where Sonarworks import of 2.0 (Stereo) .TXT would cause a crash.
- Disable LFE settings when Sub mix is set to Sat Only.
Version - August 23, 2023
- Fixed issue where Sonarworks import of 7.1.4 .TXT would select 7.1 instead of 7.1.4.
Version 1.0.10 - June 23, 2023
- Changed to Dante API Version
- Added support for Dolby ATMOS room correction.
- Fixed issue where trim for TRS In 1+2 on LM-A24 may not switch properly depending on the configuration of the Aurora(n).
- Fixed issue where selecting certain higher numbered outputs as the rotary control volume channel might cause NControl to not open properly upon quit / reopen.
- Added "Allow clock change if active" to Advanced menu.
Version 1.0.9 - October 20, 2022
- Added support for macOS AudioDriverKit driver.
- Fixed issue with 8-channel Aurora(n) with LT-USB and LM-A24 or LM-A04 where LT-USB would always show 8-channel mode instead of 16.
Version 1.0.8 - July 11, 2022
- Meter data are ignored for the first 125ms upon startup to avoid showing a meter deflection when none exists from hardware.
- Now using JUCE 7 library.
- Macintosh version now supports Apple Silicon (M1) Dante connection method.
- Macintosh version now has OpenGL disabled by default since JUCE 7 now supports Metal rendering.
- Macintosh version now supports macOS 10.10 and up (the oldest version of the OS supported by the Audinate Dante library).
- F8 key now properly does Group Swap A/B for both Windows and Macintosh version.
Version - March 31, 2022
- Fixed issue that may cause abnormal program termination when selecting an output, depending on the configuration of the Aurora(n).
Version 1.0.6 - August 19, 2021
- Added Play pan and volume controls for the first 12 outputs, Phones and the selected Monitor Out. Only available with Aurora(n) Firmware 1.25 and higher.
- Added Zoom levels of 50%, 66% and 80%. These values were selected because they are the inverse of 200%, 150% and 125% font scaling factors that may be applied by the operating system on high-DPI monitors.
- Added Output Select to scene storage. This allows the scene to remember which output is currently selected when the scene is saved so NControl can return to the exact same state.
Version 1.0.5 - July 6, 2021
- Added Pan law menu popup in Menu > Advanced. Only available with Aurora(n) Firmware 1.24 and higher.
- Added Swap A/B to Adapter panel when Group A+B Enable is set. This replicates the functionality of pressing the rotary encoder on the front panel of the Aurora(n) when on a meter page and Settings > RE click is set to Swap A/B. If Group B is disabled then the Swap A/B panel will be hidden. Only available with Aurora(n) Firmware 1.23 and higher.
- Updated to Dante 4.4 API. Please note that Audinate does not support Dante on Apple Silicon M1 based computers. Supports Big Sur on Intel.
- Fixed issue where the scribble strip may not recall properly when multiple Aurora(n)s are present in a single system.
- Fixed issue saving and restoring LSlot routing in scenes. PLEASE NOTE: Scenes previously saved with NControl will set the LSlot Record Source incorrectly. User must recall the old scene, manually set the LSlot Record Source then resave the scene to correct.
Version 1.0.4 - May 05, 2021
- Windows only release. Included with V2 Build 24d driver.
- Added Advanced > "ASIO Buffer Size" when Thunderbolt connection is detected.
- Added "Auto" to Advanced > Adapter Settings > Channel Mode for Hilo-TB; Hilo-TB3; Aurora(n)-TB; Aurora(n)-TB3. When unchecked, allows the user to control the number of channels presented to the operating system instead of reading the channel count from the device.
- Changed to WinRar 6.01 for self-extracting archiver to avoid false positive virus detection issues.
Version 1.0.3 - November 20, 2020
- macOS only release. Included with Build 59A driver.
Version 1.0.2 - November 20, 2020
- Added support for Group A and Group B master volumes (requires Firmware 1.23 or higher).
- Each output pair can only be assigned to Group A or Group B or neither, but not both.
- An example setup is: The end user assigns all of the line outs to Group A and the digital outs to Group B, then there is a master for each set of outputs as a group.
- The group masters cannot be "Selected" like other outputs since there are no sources to route. It is possible to assign the rotary encoder to the group by "Control+Click" on the group title (just like all of the other output titles).
- When the LSlot Record Source dialog is up, the background now stays dimmed to show the dialog box is modal.
- When the Advanced > Adapter settings is up, the background now stays dimmed to show the dialog box is modal.
- Sample rate is displayed on the Adapter pane as "Not connected" when there is no connection to the Aurora(n) as there was no immediate indicator of the connection status without bringing up the connection menu.
- Added support for macOS 11 Big Sur and Apple Silicon. Please note that the Dante connection method is not supported on Big Sur or Apple Silicon due to limitations from Audinate.
Version 1.0.1 - March 27, 2020
- Fixed issue where NControl would exit when saving a scene where no "Quick Recall" scene was active.
- Made "Quick Recall" scene no longer active once a scene is opened or saved using "Open scene" or "Save scene" menu or command.
- Sample Rate, Sync Source and SynchroLock status are no longer saved with a scene, but are recalled if they are present in the scene file. This prevents unintended sample rate or sync source changes when recalling a scene.
- Added the ability to remove "Quick Recall" scenes. Hold down the Alt key and click on "Store scene". Text of the Store scene button will change to "Remove scene" and the Quick Recall scenes that are valid will blink. Click on the scene you wish to remove and the scene will be removed and the name will be reset to the default scene name. To cancel the Remove scene function, just click on the Remove scene button.
- Changed the extensions of the "Quick Recall" scenes from .xml to .ncs to match the "Open scene" and "Save scene" commands. Quick recall scenes scenes are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/Lynx for macOS and C:Users*UserName*AppDataRoamingLynx on Windows. Previously stored "Quick Recall" scenes will need to be manually renamed (one-time) to continue to be seen by this and future versions of NControl.
Version 1.0.0 - February 17, 2020
- Added support for DB-ADAT
Version 0.9.8 BETA - November 11, 2019
- Added keyboard shortcuts for several functions within NControl:
Current Output
Up Arrow / F12: Volume up 0.5dB
Down Arrow / F11: Volume down 0.5dB
Alt+Up Arrow: Volume up 3.0dB
Alt+Down Arrow: Volume down 3.0dB
Page Up: Volume up 3.0dB
Page Down: Volume down 3.0dB
M / F10: Mute
D: Dim
L: Link
Right Arrow / Tab: Select Output to the Right
Left Arrow / Shift+Tab: Select Output to the Left
SD Card Transport Control
Space-bar / F8: Play / Stop
F7: Previous Track
F9: Next Track
Media Keyboards
Play / Pause: Play / Stop
Stop: Stop
Prev Track: Previous Track
Next Track: Next Track
- Fixed issue with Scene renaming.
- Fixed issue with Slider link not linking the correct outputs for anything other than Out 1&2.
- Added Advanced popup menu which contains:
Adapter Settings (Only with LT-TB or LT-TB3)
Show PCIe Latency (Only with LT-TB or LT-TB3)
Payload Size (Only with LT-TB or LT-TB3)
Set Aurora(n) date & time
Version 0.9.7 BETA - August 13, 2019
- Fixed issue that caused meters for AES Out 9-16 to not be displayed properly.
- Added AES Input Status to input source panel.
- Added data throttling to network connection for LT-DANTE.
- Changed "LSlot" to "Dante" in Clock Source popup for LT-DANTE connection.
- NControl is now 64-bit on both macOS (notarized) and Windows (signed).
- Lynx recommends the use of Firmware 1.19 (August 5, 2019) or higher with this version of NControl.
Version 0.9.6 BETA - May 1, 2019
- Added keyboard support:
- Available if your keyboard has media controls:
- Mute mutes/unmutes current output
- Volume +/- changes volume on current output
- Play plays/pauses SD card
- Stop stops SD card
- Prev Track / Next Track does those functions on SD card
- Spacebar plays/pauses SD card
- Up Arrow/Down Arrow changes volume on current output
- M mutes/unmutes current output
- D dims/undims current output
- Tab / Shift-Tab & left arrow/right arrow moves currently selected output
- Fixes store scene issue that showed all scenes as available after saving just scene 1
Version 0.9.5 BETA - April 16, 2019
- Added LSlot record routing menu option in addition to LSlot record routing page. This new popup page allows the end user channel-by-channel control of routing from the Aurora(n) back to the record streams on the computer. Holding the "Control" key while selecting a specific menu item will set the remaining 8-channels of a channel block in order. (If the user starts with channel 4, for instance, holding control and clicking "Line In 4" will set channels 4-8 to Line In 4-8.) This new page also gives the user the ability to loopback LSlot channels so LSlot record channels gets it's source from an LSlot play channel.
Version 0.9.4 BETA - April 4, 2019
- NControl for Macintosh now 64-bit application and is notarized by Apple.
- NControl for Windows is 32-bit application (so it can load on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems).
- Added startup scene save on NControl quit.
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